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Renovation Perfection paint + protection have been specially designed to durably renew highly stressed surfaces and materials.  Thanks to the combination of specific polymers and the additiv system , a real booster of performance , it offers a high quality finish. ready to face all the hazards of everday life.

  • High resistance to temperature variations.
  • High adhesion
  • High resistance to care & maintenance products
  • Ultra washable


Remove any silicone sealant before painting, Reseal after application of the paint. The support has to be clean, dry and non-greasy.

  1. Application of the paint. Empty the additiv system (the sachet that is placed under the lid of the tin) into the paint. Stir the paint for 5 minutes, working around the bottom of the tin with a wide stick to mix it well. Disassemble the taps and / or apply masking tape on the areas to be protected. Remove areas of difficult access or around metal accessories with a brush. Apply the first layer to the foam roller , starting at the bottom and then up to the edges , working in strips of about 15cm. Do not start 2nd coat while its still drying. The painting may not be very covering , but the final result can be assessed in 2 layers. Remove the masking tape and allow to dry for 8 hours . Apply the same principle to your second coat and allow to dry for 8 hours before applying the protector.
  2. Application of the protection. Empty the additiv system (the sachet that is placed under the lid of the tin) into the paint. Stir the paint for 5 minutes, working around the bottom of the tin with a wide stick to mix it well. Apply from one end to the other. Follow with successive cross strokes. Leave to dry for 8 hours and apply a 2nd coat in the same way. It will be necessary to wait 7 days of drying before re -using your sanitary (immersion water, cleaning products).
Coverage: 1 liter= 3m2
Drying berofe 1st bath : 7 days
Tool cleaning : water

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