MASTER 360 SPRAY 400ML (Multi-purpose Lubricant)

Availability: In Stock

Multifunction lubricant based on an exclusive penetrating, water-repellent, anti-wear, anti-rust and anti-corrosion formula. It easily penetrates and unlocks any seized, rusty or blocked mechanism. Lubricates by eliminating frictions and squeaks and ensuring protection against dust and wear. Dissolves dirt, grease, tar residues and adhesives. Contributes to reactivate the electrical contacts. It guarantees effective protection against atmospheric agents.

Thanks to its multifunctionality and extreme versatility and effectiveness, Master 360 is an indispensable tool for maintenance in multiple sectors: mechanics, cars, construction, aeronautics, agriculture, boating, sports, hobbies and DIY.


  • Eliminates frictions and squeaks
  • Unlock any seized or locked mechanism
  • It protects against dust, wear and atmospheric agents
  • Dissolves dirt and grease
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